Taking a Mental Health Day with Alana Epstein

Aim To Win Podcast Mental Health Day

Taking the time to help those in need never goes unnoticed. Today we are here with a special guest, Alana Epstein from MVP Pediatric and Urgent Care, whose heart of gold is helping children and their parents through pediatric care and psychotherapy. Alana believes positive mental health is one of the most important aspects a human can possess. She is spreading her word as a therapist to help mental illness and pediatric care. She also is no stranger to pulling up her sleeves and figuring out creative ways to build her business.

Human Connection with Emily Merrell

Aim To Win Podcast Human Connection

Networking can be stressful when juggling life. Today we are joined by Emily Merrell, the chief networker and founder of Six Degrees Society. Because networking is so mainstream these days, Emily believes that connecting with similar types of people can help with our social and business lifestyles. Having quality networking over quantity holds such significance in meeting people today, which is one of Emily’s main focuses in handpicking clients.

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